Not at all. I’m trying to get my book represented to be eventually published, and boy is it a challenge. Perhaps the most frustrating thing right now is how I’m coming to the realisation that the man I chose to represent me wasn’t meant for me. An agent-author relationship is perhaps the most important for any writer, and I wish I’d spent more time researching that. But, in truth after a wall of rejections it was just so nice to hear someone say that they saw my potential an wanted to work with me and help me mature into the writer I could be. Only, he didn’t work with me at all, and almost a year later and there’s still no real progress. It’s a good lesson I didn’t think I had to learn again, but clearly I did. Don’t judge people by what they say, but by what they do.
Feeling slightly low but I will get through this, and I believe in the grand plan of the universe always. This is merely meant to redirect me to finding the right person who shares both my vision and my passion. A blessing in disguise, just a damn good disguise.
Whatever you’re going through, keep your head up too.