I have always loved the idea of trying new things. It’s really one of the best things that anybody can do. I love this picture because it so clearly shows what can happen when you put yourself in unfamiliar situations lol. This is me and my friend James in Brno, Czech Republic. Things may not always turn out how you expect, I”ll admit, but they will always be interesting. When you decide to step out of your comfort zone, you set yourself up to learn so much more than what you ordinarily would,if you stuck to your normal routine. That seems pretty obvious but I have met way too many people who take that simple fact for granted. Travelling abroad for two months and then returning home has taught me the value of what I call the tourist effect. When you are in a new place, you are so much more interested in learning all there is to know about it and you go out of your way to fully dive into its culture. You want to try out everything that it has to offer and you thus get the best out of your time there. Now I know that there is an element of a ticking clock that has a huge role to play in this: if you know you have a limited time somewhere, you’re more likely to make the most of the time you do have. However, imagine the value that would be added to each of our lives on a daily basis if we just decided to always practice this. In whatever place we find ourselves, just take the time to really experience it. I am lucky, I live in Cape Town, arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world.There is so much to dive into here, but even with all this culture available, it is possible for people to go the entire duration of their stay here without ever really getting to know this great city. I feel that this is a crime, a very grave one. Even the act of talking to people you wouldn’t normally talk to is a remarkable one. I have come back with a such a love for all people, I WANT to talk to people that I don’t normally talk to. Find out what’s important to them, how we are different and how we are exactly the same. I have learnt that the world over, people are just people. Respect is paramount, I have a deep respect for all people and it is a language that everyone understands.
Go out there and be great.
Love, Noni