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Romantic Style Essence: What is It and Do I Have It? | Kibbe + Kitchener Romantic Essence

I think of great style as a marriage between body lines, as can be determined by the Kibbe Body Types Test as well as style essence. I've done a great deal of writing on the different body types because I think it's important to get that part done first. Knowing your body type is like the sponge of the cake, it's the structure.

Now, I'm focusing on style essences, which for me is like the icing on top. These two parts can be enjoyed separately, but the real magic happens when both are present. In style, this is the person who has perfected their unique authentic style. Their clothes fit and accommodate their body perfectly (body type lines) and they communicate who they are as a person (essence).

In this post, I will be discussing the Romantic Essence- what it is, how it can be expressed, and how to tell if you have it. First, however, I think it's important to fully understand just what a style essence is in the first place.

Note: In body types analysis, I used the Kibbe system of body typing. For essence analysis, I will be using both the Kibbe and the Kitchener systems. I am adding the Kitchener system as I think it's both more comprehensive and intuitive, and I have had no issues with using the two systems together. In fact, I think they complement each other.

A style essence is different from a body type.

The body type is based on a person's body geometry and identifying it helps a person to know their best clothing lines and styles so that they always look their best.

An essence is less tangible. It's based on a person's embodiment and personal expression and identifying it helps a person know their inner stylistic character so that they always look like themselves, or harmonious.

Essence, by virtue of how intangible it is, is difficult to describe. Like class and grace, it's difficult to pinpoint, but you know it when you see it and it's glaringly obvious when it's missing.

A person dressed in a way that captures their essence looks wonderfully complete and they animate their look- they bring it to life. Conversely, even in lines that perfectly match their body type, a person who doesn't dress for their essence will look dull and incomplete.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

Amal Clooney is very evidently a Dramatic body type. I don't think she's been Kibbe verified, but it doesn't get more textbook than that. However, in my opinion, she has a Classic-Romantic essence.

Amal Clooney Kibbe Dramatic

Because of this, even though she is a Dramatic, in pure Dramatic lines and styling, she looks rather plain. She looks fine, but she doesn't fully come to life. These head-to-toe monochromatic suits in stiff, sharp fabrics are textbook Dramatic. As such, she looks a bit underwhelming/ boring in them.

Her hair is basically always styled to honor her Romantic essence and her makeup to honor her Classic essence, so she always looks beautiful when you look at her hair and face. However, when we consider these looks as a whole, she just looks okay.

Amal Clooney Kibbe Dramatic | Classic Essence

In these looks, I think Amal looks amazing. These clothing lines still honor her Dramatic body type because they are long and sharp (especially in the first two looks) but, unlike the looks above, they really play up her Classic essence as well.

The traditional pinstripe pattern of the first suit (left), the matching shoes and bag ensemble effect of the second look (middle), and the Chanel tweed skirt suit are all Classic elements and they elevate Amal's looks by animating more of her essences. Add to that her Romantic hair and Classic/ Romantic makeup, and all of her comes to life.

She looks amazing and complete in a way that she just didn't in the looks above.

What Things Communicate Essence?

Essence is elusive, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what individual elements create it. In truth, it's probably a combination of all of them; the style of clothing, the color palette, the hair and makeup, and the choice of accessories.

However, some of these are more fixed than others. For example, the style of clothing is likely dictated by a person's body type and the color palette is likely dictated by their color season. So the elements that are left to play with to create or highlight the desired essence are hair, makeup, and the choice of accessories.

Packaging (tangibles)

These tangible elements are the things that anyone can manipulate in an effort to recreate a representation of a particular essence. On the right person, it will come to life and look beautifully natural. On the wrong person, even if it looks beautiful, it will look like a costume.


Hair is communicative. Whether it's tied or loose, sleek or voluminous, polished or unkempt, all of these variations create a different vibe for the person wearing them. Some styles will be more 'them' than others, meaning that some styles will capture their essence better than others.


Similarly to hair, makeup is a very communicative element of any ensemble. Whether bold or subtle, sharp or blurred, bright or subdued can create a harmonious look that highlights someone's beauty and essence or one that clashes with it.


Accessories are fun and dynamic and they allow for the ultimate expression of a person's essence because of all the options that are available. Not only do they complete a look by stylistically tying it all together, but the shapes, colors, textures, edges, and details of each individual piece can be used to communicate the essence of the wearer.

Embodiment (intangibles)

These intangible elements are the crux of an essence. These pieces come together to animate the packaging (as listed above) of a person's embodiment- which is really what we're judging when we talk about their essence.


One way that a person's embodiment of their essence can manifest is in how they generally move. How they pick up and put down things, how they hold them, how they walk, etc. Certain people can be described as gentle, graceful, and poised- this is a particular embodiment. Other people can be described as fun, energetic, and even strong- this is a completely different embodiment.


How a person talks can reveal a lot about them, and particular ways of speaking lend themselves to certain essences. For example, a person can be bold and direct in how they communicate- this is a powerful and perhaps even dominant essence. Or, a person can be lighthearted and almost frivolous in how they communicate- this is a soft and perhaps even flirty essence.


A demeanor is all-encompassing but it can also be clearly worn on a person's face and it's how that person is perceived by most people. This is how a person generally outwardly presents. Some people are intimidating and intense, while others are warm and welcoming. Some are mischievous and some are pure and innocent.

That Indescribable Magic

I'm purposefully putting this here so that we can all remember that an essence can't be boiled down to a formula. The truly animating part, that thing that brings a person's essence to life is not something that I can pinpoint and describe. It's the ever-elusive muse- it just is. Some people are just a certain way and other people aren't. You either have a particular essence or you don't.

If you do, then embodying that essence and allowing it to shine through will make you your most beautiful because it will make you your most natural, truest self. If you don't have a particular essence, pretending to have it and trying to embody it will make you your least beautiful because it will be a cheap imitation of someone else.

There are no good essences or bad essences, there's just what's yours and what isn't. Beauty is simply being true to yourself.

What is the Romantic Essence?

What is the Kibbe Romantic Essence?

The Romantic essence is can be described as the ultimate embodiment of sensual femininity. It is soft, lush, luxurious, and alluring.

In the Kibbe world, this is the type made up of pure yin that manifests as fully curved lines. There is no sharpness, everything is delicate and smooth. The bone structure is petite and the flesh that sits atop it is soft and lush.

It follows that the essence associated with this type builds on that idea of softness and lushness. The Romantic essence leads with sensuality and luxury. Sensuality captures that part of it that is delicious, magnetic, and alluring. The luxury part captures the packaging of this essence, everything that touches and frames them has to be delicate, softly draped, and glamorous.

Using the criteria set above, the Romantic essence can be distilled as follows:


Romantic hair is both long and voluminous. Big curls are a signature style because the circular patterns recreate the curved lines associated with this body type. Romantic hair is soft, touchable, and has some movement. It creates within the observer the desire to run your hands through it.

Lastly, Romantic hair is visibly styled. Whether the final look is more refined (perhaps the curls are brushed out) or intricately detailed, it is clear that time and effort were put into the hairstyle. The visibility of the styling adds glamour and that sense of 'high-maintenance' that accompanies this essence.


Romantic makeup is glamorous. It's highly visible and highlights most features, it's helpful to think in terms of stage/ screen makeup. It has high sheen and high visibility. While everything else is blended in well to create the perfect base, the eye makeup and lipstick are typically sharp and stand out.

The lip especially tends to be a focal point of this makeup because of how sensual and thus central the mouth is- double points for a bold red lip because that is the color of passion. On a Romantic essence woman, this bold makeup is not at all overpowering, it just brings them to life and they look beautiful and glamorous.

Romantic Essence: Marilyn Monroe + Beyonce


Romantic accessories are luxurious and delicate. The edges are soft and rounded and the details are high sparkle and very 'showy'. The details call to mind a Vegas showgirl/ old Hollywood glamour aesthetic- feathers, sparkly and luxe fabric (draped of course), soft fur, and of course- bling. Diamonds are a girl's best friend in the case of a Romantic essence woman.


Romantic movements are flirty. They are soft and fun and inviting. Every touch is a caress and it tends to linger. Their walk has a swish in the hips that oozes feminine power that invokes within themselves and others that seductive quality.

There is something about the embodiment of the Romantic essence that is naturally performative. It's as though the woman with this essence knows we can't help to look at her, and so she gives us something to look at. She puts on a show.

The way she talks, laughs, walks and even stands, is pleasurable for the observer. And of course, for the woman herself because she knows that this ability to pull and attract attention is the center of her allure and in sense her power.


Romantic speech is light and playful. These are the people who lubricate parties because they make everyone feel sparkly and fun and sexy because they themselves are all these things. It's not that Romantic essence women can't be deep, they can be any and everything.

However, they tend to be the social butterflies that keep things fun and light by spreading their sweet, flirty essence from person to person or generally into the room. In this way, a Romantic essence person is the perfect plus-one because they are almost impossible to put down or diminish their sparkle.


The Romantic demeanor is inviting and warm, but slightly (or perhaps very) intimidating. They might be smiling enough to convey an openness, but not enough to make that feel applicable to all. There is an exclusivity to them.

Picture a beautiful woman that you want to approach, but instead of doing so directly, you ask yourself, 'Who can I ask to introduce me?' There is a sense that entering their space is possible, but it requires an invite.

On the negative side, people with this essence often get all sorts of beliefs projected onto them. From people assuming they are probably 'stuck-up' or 'full of themselves', to people actively stopping themselves from reaching out to them because they 'probably get that all the time'-

the world at large tends to have a very strange relationship with this sort of magnetic beauty.

What Sort of Woman Does This Create?

These are the women that can't help but attract attention, and not just the male gaze either- I think they pull as much if not more of the female gaze because other women recognize and may even be jealous of the power of their outward femininity. This sensuality is then wrapped in luxurious and glamorous packaging- their finishes all sparkle because this is a woman who is meant to shine.

Romantic Essence Icons

The style of the 50s era is a great example of the outward representation of the Romantic essence woman. And, of course, there is no better representation of that woman than Marilyn Monroe. A modern example of someone who, like Marilyn, is a verified Romantic body type and who embodies the Romantic essence is Beyoncé.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe and the characters she portrayed on the screen, were the epitome of sensual femininity and of the Romantic essence.

As a verified Romantic body type (Kibbe), her petite, delicate structure and lush flesh created the perfect curvaceous frame for the Romantic essence to shine.

The packaging is most obvious, her hair is voluminous and curled (circular lines that mimic the circular lines of her body), the makeup is glamorous and highlights her eyes and lips, her clothes are draped to follow her curves, and her accessories are bold and luxurious. The fabrics are generally soft and lightweight, and the details are sparkly and glamorous.

In the GIFs, we see little glimpses of Marilyn's embodiment of the Romantic essence. She moves softly and delicately, notice the middle GIF where she is caressing the perfume bottle. I get the sense that she is gracious, yet lively. Her grace isn't calculated (how we might think of a Classic grace), it's instinctual.

She is also very sensual. Marilyn Monroe was and remains a sex symbol and it's easy to see why. She is effortlessly sexy. Yes, she put effort into it through the packaging but- as I've been trying to drive home- essence cannot be bought or manufactured. So, even without the packaging, she embodied femininity and sensuality. With the packaging, her essence was amplified and it made her a superstar.

In the first (left) and third (right) GIFs, we can see this sensuality at play. The way she licks her lips and sways her hips is powerful. By that I mean there is the power behind it, there is the power of a woman who knows that she has your attention because you can't help but give it to her. She knows she is attractive and that you can't help but be drawn to her femininity.

A person isn't limited to one essence and Marilyn also had a very playful Ingénue essence that gave her an innocence such that, while very strong, her sensual energy was less intimidating and thus more easily palatable for mass audiences.


Beyoncé, and the persona she often animates in her performances and videos, is a modern representation of the vivacious flavor of the sensuality of the Romantic essence woman.

However, unlike Marilyn, Beyoncé doesn't have an Ingénue essence. I think she is either a pure embodiment of the Romantic essence or she has a major Romantic and minor Dramatic essence. There is something more powerful and intense about her that gives her that 'Diva' feel. As such, the sensual part of this essence is more clearly dominant and mature in her such that she almost leads with Seductress energy. Her sensuality has claws in a way that Marilyn's doesn't.

What these two women demonstrate is the spectrum of an essence. Depending on what other essences are present in someone, how their Dominant essence manifests will be different. While both are sensual, Marilyn's Romantic essence captures more of a lightness and innocence, while Beyoncé's has a deeper intensity and power- both are beautiful and magnetic.

Sensuality ≠ Femininity

Past the packaging, an important part of femininity is about openness, receptiveness, kindness, and a general approachability. If a little child was in trouble, the woman she might approach for help is one who outwardly embodied this kind of openness/ approachability. This is femininity.

This is great news for all of us. I think we have incorrectly come to associate femininity with a particular look because of how it's often portrayed and sold to us. I think this is why so often women shy away from the more 'masculine' body types in Kibbe and certainly from the associated essences. There is this belief that falling into one of these categories takes away your femininity, but this is simply not true.

Femininity doesn't have a body type or favorite essence.

Femininity is simply the way of being for any woman in her true power. This is true in body types- Dramatic women look their most feminine when they honor their lines and lean into their 'masculine' recommendations.

As far as essences, I want to make clear that what I discuss here is a very superficial representation of what it means to be feminine. I can talk about movements, clothing, demeanors and general ways of being that are more or less feminine as compared to others, but that is not femininity.

Femininity as I understand it transcends these classifications. It exists for all of us and it is clearly visibly embodied by incredible women who fall into every category of body type and essence as I hope to showcase.

What Does the Romantic Essence Look Like? Celebrity Examples

Romantic Essence Celebrities

While each of these women has a different Kibbe body type, what they have in common is a Romantic essence. Essence doesn't have a body type, so even though Selena Gomez is a Theatrical Romantic, Jennifer Lopez is a Soft Natural, and Beyoncé is a pure Romantic- they all have the same essence.

They have in common that they look their best when their hair is polished and voluminous, when their makeup is visible and distinct, and when their accessories are feminine and luxurious. In short, they look their best when they look done-up and glamorous because this honors their Romantic essence.

True Essence > Body Type Essence

It's important to identify your essence(s) because honoring them matters just as much if not more than honoring your body type lines. A huge mistake would be to assume that your body type dictates your essence, meaning that if you're a Natural body type, then you must have a Natural essence.

Case and point: Jennifer Lopez. She is definitely a Soft Natural (you can read her analysis here), but her essence is most definitely Romantic. Jennifer Lopez was born to be glamorous.

If she had assumed that she had a Natural essence and did her makeup in a Natural way ('no makeup' makeup with 'I woke up like this' beach wave hair for example), she would look like a hobo. But when she's all glammed up with showgirl hair and makeup, she looks like a goddess.

Jennifer Lopez: Kibbe Soft Natural with Romantic essence

So, make sure you know your essence(s) so you can style your hair, makeup, and accessories to honor them. This will bring out your best 'you'. If you don't honor them, even if you nail the body type lines, you'll look incomplete and dull.


Essence can be difficult to define because it is so intangible in nature. I hope this post has been helpful in deciphering what the Romantic essence is and how it manifests in people who have it.

Do you have a Romantic essence? Do you agree with my assessment? I'd love to hear from you.

Talk soon,


Natural Style Essence: What is It and Do I Have It? | Kibbe  + Kitchener Essences

I think of great style as a marriage between body lines, as can be determined by the Kibbe Body Types Test as well as style essence. I've done a great deal of writing on the different body types because I think it's important to get that part done first. Knowing your body type is like the sponge of the cake, it's the structure.

Now, I'm focusing on style essences, which for me is like the icing on top. These two parts can be enjoyed separately, but the real magic happens when both are present. In style, this is the person who has perfected their unique authentic style. Their clothes fit and accommodate their body perfectly (body type lines) and they communicate who they are as a person (essence).

In this post, I will be discussing the Natural Essence- what it is, how it can be expressed, and how to tell if you have it. First, however, I think it's important to fully understand just what a style essence is in the first place.

Note: In body types analysis, I used the Kibbe system of body typing. For essence analysis, I will be using both the Kibbe and the Kitchener systems. I am adding the Kitchener system as I think it's both more comprehensive and intuitive, and I have had no issues with using the two systems together. In fact, I think they complement each other.

A style essence is different from a body type.

The body type is based on a person's body geometry and identifying it helps a person to know their best clothing lines and styles so that they always look their best.

An essence is less tangible. It's based on a person's embodiment and personal expression and identifying it helps a person know their inner stylistic character so that they always look like themselves, or harmonious.

Essence, by virtue of how intangible it is, is difficult to describe. Like class and grace, it's difficult to pinpoint, but you know it when you see it and it's glaringly obvious when it's missing.

A person dressed in a way that captures their essence looks wonderfully complete and they animate their look- they bring it to life. Conversely, even in lines that perfectly match their body type, a person who doesn't dress for their essence will look dull and incomplete.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

Solange is unverified, but the general consensus is that she is a Flamboyant Natural body type. I fully agree with this classification. I also think that she has Natural essence, along with a Gamine essence. For this post, I will be focusing on her Natural essence.

Natural style  essence: Solange

In these looks, Solange looks boring. She looks rigid and constricted. The fabrics are too stiff, the construction is stiff and the monochromatic color schemes are underwhelming on her. The last two looks (middle, right) are the least flattering because of this rigidity that works against the flowy nature of her Natural essence.

The first look (left), is the most flattering because the fabric is softer while still being structured, so it gently follows and supports her body. The sleeves also allow for movement. However, the dress is still more stiff than flowy and the single color is boring.

She just doesn't look like the stylish fashionista that we know her as.

Natural style essence: Solange

These outfits honor Solange's Flamboyant Natural lines and Natural essence. The last image (right) is fully Flamboyant Natural, it's light and flowy, dynamic in pattern, and floor-length. While I think she looks beautiful, I don't think this is her best look because it is completely devoid of any Gamine elements that would compliment all her essences.

I think Solange looks her best in the first two images (left, middle) because they capture both of her essences. They are primarily Natural, but the Gamine essence is also present.

The Natural essence comes through in the mix of textures, loosely fitted silhouettes, and longer vertical lines. The Gamine essence comes through in the mix of textures, fun and playful accessories, and bold pops of color.

She looks lively, dynamic, and fun. She takes up more space and I feel her presence.

What Things Communicate Essence?

Essence is elusive, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what individual elements create it. In truth, it's probably a combination of all of them; the style of clothing, the color palette, the hair and makeup, and the choice of accessories.

However, some of these are more fixed than others. For example, the style of clothing is likely dictated by a person's body type and the color palette is likely dictated by their color season. So the elements that are left to play with to create or highlight the desired essence are hair, makeup, and the choice of accessories.

Packaging (tangibles)

These tangible elements are the things that anyone can manipulate to recreate a representation of a particular essence. On the right person, it will come to life and look beautifully natural. On the wrong person, even if it looks beautiful, it will look like a costume.


Hair is communicative. Whether it's tied or loose, sleek or voluminous, polished or unkempt, all of these variations create a different vibe for the person wearing them. Some styles will be more 'them' than others, meaning that some styles will capture their essence better than others.


Similarly to hair, makeup is a very communicative element of any ensemble. Whether bold or subtle, sharp or blurred, bright or subdued can create a harmonious look that highlights someone's beauty and essence or one that clashes with it.


Accessories are fun and dynamic and they allow for the ultimate expression of a person's essence because of all the options that are available. Not only do they complete a look by stylistically tying it all together, but the shapes, colors, textures, edges, and details of each piece can be used to communicate the essence of the wearer.

Embodiment (intangibles)

These intangible elements are the crux of an essence. These pieces come together to animate the packaging (as listed above) of a person's embodiment- which is really what we're judging when we talk about their essence.


One way that a person's embodiment of their essence can manifest is in how they generally move. How they pick up and put down things, how they hold them, how they walk, etc. Certain people can be described as gentle, graceful, and poised- this is a particular embodiment. Other people can be described as fun, energetic, and even strong- this is a completely different embodiment.


How a person talks can reveal a lot about them, and particular ways of speaking lend themselves to certain essences. For example, a person can be bold and direct in how they communicate- this is a powerful and perhaps even dominant essence. Or, a person can be lighthearted and almost frivolous in how they communicate- this is a soft and perhaps even flirty essence.


A demeanor is all-encompassing but it can also be clearly worn on a person's face and it's how that person is perceived by most people. This is how a person generally outwardly presents. Some people are intimidating and intense, while others are warm and welcoming. Some are mischievous and some are pure and innocent.

That Indescribable Magic

I'm purposefully putting this here so that we can all remember that an essence can't be boiled down to a formula. The truly animating part, that thing that brings a person's essence to life is not something that I can pinpoint and describe. It's the ever-elusive muse- it just is. Some people are just a certain way and other people aren't. You either have a particular essence or you don't.

If you do, then embodying that essence and allowing it to shine through will make you your most beautiful because it will make you your most natural, truest self. If you don't have a particular essence, pretending to have it and trying to embody it will make you your least beautiful because it will be a cheap imitation of someone else.

There are no good essences or bad essences, there's just what's yours and what isn't. Beauty is simply being true to yourself.

What is the Natural Essence?

What is the Natural Essence? | Kibbe + Kitchener essences

The Natural essence can be described as earthy femininity. It is grounded, sensual, and effortless. It is calm, fresh, and open.

Kibbe refers to Naturals as 'soft yang', where yang is the masculine principle. I associate that with strength and physicality. So, Naturals represent a visible soft strength.

The Natural body type is a combination of both length and width. The bone structure is large and wide and the edges are blunt. The lines are all loose, sweeping, and unconstructed to emphasize this sense of 'effortlessness'. The fabrics are textured and the colors are neutral.

It follows that the essence associated with this type builds on that idea of grounded effortlessness. The grounded part speaks to the packaging of this essence that requires natural textures and fibers, neutral colors, and unique and artsy details. The effortless part captures the unconstructed nature of this essence that creates an easy, laid-back, and approachable vibe.

Using the criteria set above, the Natural essence can be distilled as follows:


Natural hair is effortless and inviting. It's soft, touchable, and easy. Easy in the sense that it's not finicky or ornate. It's free, textured, and full of movement. Texture and body are key for this essence. The hair is not flat or lifeless, it gives the sense of wind flowing through it.

The colors are natural or natural-looking on the woman wearing them; think gentle gradations and natural highlights that evoke sun-kissed afternoons. The overall Natural look is subtle and so harmonious that it almost feels like nothing to write home about, but this is the brilliance of this essence. It's about highlighting what comes naturally.

Natura essence hair: Gigi Hadid | Michelle Obama | Debra Messing


Natural makeup is subtle, balanced, and blended. The colors are neutral and they mimic the palettes that show up naturally on the face. The point of makeup for the Natural essence woman is to be a beautiful backdrop so their natural beauty can shine through.

Anything too intense on these women will stand out harshly against them. So be careful with lipstick choices and eye shadow palettes. Subtle is key, but shimmer can be so beautiful for highlighting these features.


Natural style essence

Natural accessories are large, textured, gently structured, and artsy. They are creatively functional and they can typically be described as 'effortless chic'.

In this way, we can understand why the Natural essence style is often linked to the 'boho' aesthetic as there is some overlap, particularly in accessories. This essence calls for natural materials and natural colors that evoke earthy tones and landscapes.


Natural movement is powerfully physical and subtly sensual. It's grounded and embodied. It functions as an extension of the essence, connecting the woman to everything she does. So, it appears and feels intentional.

These women have strong physicality. They do everything with strength and capability. They are not dainty or delicate, but there is something distinctly soft about them, even in their strength. They ooze sensuality, but not in the way of the Romantic essence woman.

Their sensuality is subtle, weighted, and grounded. Perhaps even primal. They are attractive in a way that we might struggle to articulate or decode in our minds, but we get at a gut level, at our core.

Everything about the Natural essence woman is designed to make us feel safe, and that is universally attractive. I think this is why these women have such a great pull.


Natural speech is authentic. It's simple, unrevised, and true. These are the women who can talk deeply and connect with anyone, from any walk of life because of their authenticity. They don't speak to impress or convince, just to connect and share.

They know their truth and they own it, and they allow others the space to do the same. They are wonderful listeners whose presence in conversation makes whoever they speak to feel truly seen and heard.


The Natural demeanor is carefree, easy-going, and down-to-earth to earth. It's open, friendly, and approachable. These women are often described as the 'girl next door' because of this open disposition.

Another term associated with this essence is 'salt of the earth' because of how uncomplicated and grounded the people who embody this essence tend to be. They make everyone around them feel comfortable and safe to be themselves, they call for no graces or pretenses.

They are real and authentic and have a way of pulling that out of others.

What Sort of Woman Does This Create?

A strong and bold woman with a calm spirit and an openness to life. She embodies her truth and her beliefs and she lives by the values she believes in. These women value the collective but value freedom above all else.

This is evident in their style, career choices, and belief systems. They are unique, but in a grounded way, that doesn't necessarily call attention to itself. Theirs is a quiet, grounded power.

There's a boldness to this essence, a bravery, a stubbornness- but wrapped in kindness and an overall sense of calm. These people tend to be approachable, albeit a bit aloof and in their own world.

Natural Essence Icons

Traditionally, this essence described someone who cared more about comfort and functionality than style. Now, while that has shifted (most naturals like to look good too), there is something that holds from that original sentiment.

It's a spirit of fiercely holding to your values and what you believe in, even if it's unpopular; a sense of knowing yourself and knowing where you fit in the world.

Two modern examples of women who embody this essence are American musicians, Erykah Badu and Solange Knowles.

Erykah Badu

Natural Style Icon: Erykah Badu

For me, Erykah Badu stands as one of the greatest Natural essence and style icons of our time. Her style is eclectic, artsy, and unique- but it is also firmly grounded and earthy. She always looks cool and artistic- probably because she is an incredibly cool artist- but she also always looks comfortable.

This blend of artistic comfort with a strong undercurrent of earthiness is the Natural essence.

Erykah Badu's style communicates a calm confidence- she is strange and she is proud. She is one of a kind, and she leans boldly into her uniqueness. It says, 'I know who I am, I like who I am and I will show up as who I am, and I don't care how you feel about it'. This is true confidence.

However, for all its fierceness, it is also so calm. She doesn't bash you over the head with her uniqueness, she just quietly embodies it. She's just over there being who she is and your attention or lack thereof has no effect on her whatsoever.

This calm confidence elevates her cool factor. I don't know a single person who doesn't think Erykah Badu is cool. Whether they like her music or not, her coolness is universal.

Earthy + Grounded

Natural Style Icon: Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu is an Earth Goddess. Like Lisa Bonet who also has this grounded Natural essence (along with an Ethereal essence), I can picture her playing Mother Nature. There is something inherently sensual, wild, and free about her. She doesn't belong to anyone, she cannot be contained. She runs with the wolves and dances with the spirits.

There is something otherworldly about her and about the women who embody this aspect of the Natural essence. There is something that transcends everyday embodiment such that we often attach a spiritual quality to them. But, this spiritual quality is not all pure and good, it also has depth and darkness.

Not to say that these women are dark, but rather that they give the impression of having faced darkness and overcome it. They know how to handle it, they know how to transmute it. They know how to do magic. They are magical.

I like these GIFs because they capture a certain 'don't care' attitude that I associate with this essence.

In the first (left) and middle GIFs, we see that grounded and earthy aspect at play. Erykah Badu as a woman living out in the woods by herself, washing her clothes, and hanging them out to dry is so very Natural to me. It captures the desire for simplicity, for living in harmony with the earth and all her creatures, for balance. This setting wouldn't suit any other essence as well as it does the Natural essence woman.

In the middle GIF, the door slam gives us a glimpse of the power of this essence as well. There is a power to the Natural essence woman that won't let anything or anyone interfere with her peace, and she will use force to preserve it if necessary. She is peaceful and open, but also strong, capable, and fierce. She will put you in your place if she needs to.

The third GIF (right) captures Erykah's soulful, grounded elements. The headwrap, the tattoos, the beaded jewelry, and her general embodiment speak to someone who is here, now and fully immersed in the joy of the moment.

Her feet are planted firmly in the ground and she feels everything. Having no desire to hide or 'clean up' any part of herself, she is an open book and you can see her embody everything that she feels.

In this way, the Natural essence woman is truly alive. She is free and real and unkempt- she knows that she is enough as she is and that is her power. She doesn't need to try to adapt herself to anybody else's standard, in fact, she loses herself when she does this.
To shine, she just needs to express what feels authentic to her in the moment.

Solange Knowles

Solange embodies more of the softer, playful, and more delicate aspects of the Natural essence. I think this is because she also has a Gamine essence, which is fun, vibrant, youthful, and playful. I can see this lightness and playfulness in the middle GIF.

So, her overall essence has less of the density and grounded earthiness of a 'truer' Natural essence woman like Erykah Badu.

Solange also has a more delicate sensual embodiment of the Natural essence. However, Natural (yang dominant) essence sensuality is different than Romantic (yin dominant) essence sensuality, and I'd like to explore that quickly with a focus on the first (left) and third (right) GIFs.

In these GIFs, I see the physicality of this essence. The Natural body type is characterized in part by the obvious strength (to varying degrees) of the body type that is created by the large and blunt skeletal frame and muscular flesh.

So, this body type and the women who embody its essence were made to move. Watching them move their bodies is a joy. While it can invoke sensuality, as it does here, that isn't what I see first. Their movement tends to first be impressive for its own power and ability- the appeal is more about the strength of the body and the sensuality stems from this.

This is unlike a Romantic essence woman, for example, whose sensuality cloaks the body and is perceived first.

So, Natural sensuality is both soft and powerful and its movement embodies a sense of both delicacy and power.

Sensuality ≠ Femininity

Past the packaging, an important part of femininity is about openness, receptiveness, kindness, and a general approachability. If a little child was in trouble, the woman she might approach for help is one who outwardly embodied this kind of openness/ approachability. This is femininity.

This is great news for all of us. I think we have incorrectly come to associate femininity with a particular look because of how it's often portrayed and sold to us. I think this is why so often women shy away from the more 'masculine' body types in Kibbe and certainly from the associated essences. There is this belief that falling into one of these categories takes away your femininity, but this is simply not true.

Femininity doesn't have a body type or favorite essence.

Femininity is simply the way of being for any woman in her true power. This is true in body types- Dramatic women look their most feminine when they honor their lines and lean into their 'masculine' recommendations.

As far as essences, I want to make clear that what I discuss here is a very superficial representation of what it means to be feminine. I can talk about movements, clothing, demeanors and general ways of being that are more or less feminine as compared to others, but that is not femininity.

Femininity as I understand it transcends these classifications. It exists for all of us and it is visibly embodied by incredible women who fall into every category of body type and essence as I hope to showcase.

What Does the Natural Essence Look Like? Celebrity Examples

Natural essence celebrities: Lisa Bonet | Gigi Hadid | Tracee Ellis Ross |

While each of these women has a different Kibbe body type, what they have in common is a Natural essence. Essence doesn't have a body type, so even though Lisa Bonet is a yin type (potential Gamine/ Romantic type), Gigi Hadid and Tracee Ellis Ross are Flamboyant Naturals- they all have a Natural essence.

They have in common that they look their best when their hair is in its natural texture, naturally colored, long, and loose; when their makeup is subtle; and when their accessories are large, textured, and artistic. In short, they look their best when they look creative, relaxed and effortless because this honors their Natural essence.

True Essence > Body Type Essence

It's important to identify your essence(s) because honoring them matters just as much if not more than honoring your body type lines. A huge mistake would be to assume that your body type dictates your essence, meaning that if you're a Dramatic body type, then you must have a Dramatic essence.

Case and point: Gigi Hadid. Gigi Hadid is a Flamboyant Natural and she has a Natural essence (she also has an Ingénue essence, most present on her face). She looks her best and most harmonious when she honors this Natural essence.

Note: I realized after I did the analysis that I picked a Natural type with a Natural essence, which sort of defeats the purpose of this segment. Still, I'm leaving it in because it's a good case study.

In the first and second images (left, middle), Gigi's hair and makeup lean Dramatic in essence. The sleek hair and intense makeup colors look harsh and severe on her. In the first image (left), her face looks bigger and puffier because of how the Dramatic hair and makeup contrast against her Natural lines and contours.

Natural style essence: Gigi Hadid

In the last image (right), Gigi looks amazing and like the bombshell beauty that she is. The naturally colored hair, loose curls, and gentle, neutral makeup all create a Natural essence look that is perfectly harmonious with her.

So, make sure you know your essence(s) so you can style your hair, makeup, and accessories to honor them. This will bring out your best 'you'. If you don't honor them, even if you nail the body type lines, you'll look incomplete and somewhat dull.


Essence can be difficult to define because it is so intangible. I hope this post has helped decipher what the Natural essence is and how it manifests in people who have it.

Do you have a Natural essence? Do you agree with my assessment? I'd love to hear from you.

Wishing you well on your style journey.

Talk soon,


kibbe body type test answers explained

Well done on completing the Kibbe Body Types Test. In this post, I will be discussing your results, specifically how to read and understand them and how to use them to identify your Kibbe type.

Start by recording your answer for each of the 15 questions. Then, group your answers (per letter) for each section. In the end, you should have an answer sheet that should look something like this:

Sample answer sheet:

Skeleton: 4B

Body flesh: 4B, 1A

Facial features: 3B, 2E, 1D

Double-check that the number of answers adds up to 15. Then analyze what the answers are saying.

Look to see if your answers have a clear majority for each section, this is the best-case scenario which will make finding your type pretty straightforward.

How To Interpret Your Kibbe Test Answer Sheet

In the example above, the person in question is clearly a Natural type because they have mostly B answers (11 total). Of the last four answers, one provides additional sharpness in the flesh (1A), so this person's body is frame-dominant with muscular/taught flesh. All the 'soft' or yin answers belong to their facial features: 2E, and 1D.

So, taking all this together, I think this person could be a Soft Natural- a Natural structure and flesh with some softness in their face. However, there is also a strong case for a Flamboyant Natural (because of the additional sharpness in their flesh) who just happens to have additional softness on their face.

In this case, this person would be able to narrow down their potential body types to just two: Soft Natural or Flamboyant Natural. From here, they would then wear the clothing line recommendations for each to see which is more harmonious with them.

This is the exact process you should replicate in reading your results.

It is possible to have some outlier answers and still see what kibbe Id category you fit into. If your answers are all over the place, or almost equal parts yin and yang, you may be a Gamine type. More on that later. Below is a list of what category the majority of your answers put you in.

insert chart

Majority A answers- Dramatic

Pure Dramatic

If you got mostly A answers for all three sections then you’re a pure Dramatic (D). This ID has a yang dominance and is long, lean, and angular.

Pure Dramatic Example: Tilda Swinton

Soft Dramatic

If you have predominantly A answers with a few E or D answers then you’re a Soft Dramatic (SD). Your E and D answers are probably in the flesh and facial features categories. Your body and face are yang dominant and angular, but you may have some yin or softness to the flesh on your bone structure or your facial features.

Soft Dramatic Examples: Bella Hadid ; Zendaya

Majority B answers- Natural

If you have predominantly B answers under all three sections then you are a kibbe Natural (N). Your bone structure, facial features, and flesh are all elongated, broad, and blunt in comparison to one another. Your body has a yang dominance but is not as extreme and angular as the dramatic kibbe ID.

Flamboyant Natural

If you have mostly B answers with a few A answers then you are Kibbe’s Flamboyant Natural (FN). Your bone structure is long and lean but your flesh and facial features have a broad and blunt look to them.

Flamboyant Natural Examples: Gigi Hadid; Kendall Jenner; Hailey Bieber

Soft Natural

If you have predominantly B answers with a few D or E answers then you are considered a Soft Natural (SN). Your bone structure will be broad, slightly blunt, and overall elongated. But your flesh and face lean more towards the yin side and have a softness to them.

Soft Natural Example: Jennifer Lopez

Majority C Answers- Classic

If you have predominantly C answers under all three sections (bone structure, flesh, and facial features) then you are a Classic (C). Your features are blended and very balanced. For more information on blend versus contrast, check the kibbe Id system here.

Dramatic Classic

If you have predominantly C in the body flesh and facial features sections with a few A or B answers for bone structure, then you are a Dramatic Classic (DC). You have a very proportionate, even face and body flesh, but your bone structure has some yang dominance.

Dramatic Classic Example: Gugu Mbatha-Raw

Soft Classic

If you have predominantly C answers for the bone structure/skeleton section but have several D or E answers under body flesh and/or facial features, then you are a Soft Classic (SC). Your bone structure is very balanced and proportionate but you have some softness and yin to your face and flesh.

Soft Classic Example: Kirsten Dunst

Mostly D or E Answers- Romantic


If you have predominantly E answers under all three sections then you are a Kibbe Romantic (R). Your skeleton, flesh, and face all have yin dominance that exhibits softness, and rounded edges, also known as lush yin.

Romantic Example: Beyoncé

Theatrical Romantic

If you have predominately D answers, you are a Theatrical Romantic (TR). Your bone structure, flesh, and face all lean towards the yin side of the spectrum, but not as strictly as the pure Romantics.

You can also be a theatrical romantic if you have predominantly E or D answers with a few A answers. Your A answers will mostly show up in the bone structure or facial features but you will maintain softness in your flesh and shape.

Theatrical Romantic Example: Selena Gomez

Mixture of A/B answers and D/E answers- Gamine

If you got a generally even mix of opposite answers A/B and D/E, then your kibbe ID is Gamine (G). You are a combination of yin and yang and can display these traits in different parts of your body, flesh, and face.

Flamboyant Gamine

If your results have a mix of A/B and D/E answers but with slightly more A or B answers then your kibbe ID is a Flamboyant Gamine (FG). Your individual features can be placed distinctly in the yin or yang category (not blended) but overall your body tends to have some angles and sharpness. Your body becomes toned easily which highlights your angular silhouette. No matter your weight fluctuations you never really have curves.

Flamboyant Gamine Example: Zoe Kravitz

Soft Gamine

If your results have a mixture of answers but you have more D/E answers than A/B then you are a Soft Gamine (SG). You have a mixture of yin and yang across all three sections- skeleton, flesh, and facial features. You could have a bit more roundness/ softness in your facial features. You may get more rounded from weight gain and working out doesn’t overly define your muscles.

Soft Gamine Example: Reese Witherspoon

Can Your Kibbe ID Change?

According to David Kibbe, your ID cannot change. Weight loss and weight gain will not alter your Kibbe ID, but it can make it more or less obvious in some cases. Kibbe recommends evaluating your body ID after the age of 25 to get the most accurate results.


I hope this post was helpful in finding your kibbe ID. If you're still confused, please keep in mind that this is meant to be a journey of self-discovery, and more specifically of discovering your personal style. As such, it will take time.

If you're stuck, start by choosing your most beloved clothing items- the ones that just fit right- and try to figure out what their lines and properties are. They fit right and compliment you so beautifully because they are harmonious with your natural lines. So be curious about those lines.

Are the lines of the garments soft and drapey (yin) or hard and stiff (yang)? Are the items long or short? It's not a sure fix, but if you're really stuck, answering these questions will help you to reverse-engineer your kibbe type. Plus, it will help you to attune to the properties of both your clothes and your physical lines, which is a big part of seeing things in a 'kibbe way'.

Have you figured out your Kibbe ID yet? In case you're wondering, I'm a Flamboyant Natural.

Talk soon,


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