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Classic Style Essence: What is It and Do I Have It? | Kibbe Kitchener Essences

I think of great style as a marriage between body lines, as can be determined by the Kibbe Body Types Test, and style essence. I've done a great deal of writing on the different body types because I think it's important to get that part done first. Knowing your body type is like the sponge of the cake, it's the structure.

Now, I'm focusing on style essences, which for me is like the icing on top. These two parts can be enjoyed separately, but the real magic happens when both are present. In style, this is the person who has perfected their unique authentic style. Their clothes fit and accommodate their body perfectly (body type lines) and they communicate who they are as a person (essence).

In this post, I will be discussing the Classic Essence- what it is, how it can be expressed, and how to tell if you have it. First, however, I think it's important to fully understand just what a style essence is in the first place.

Note: In body types analysis, I used the Kibbe system of body typing. For essence analysis, I will be using both the Kibbe and the Kitchener systems. I am adding the Kitchener system as I think it's both more comprehensive and intuitive, and I have had no issues with using the two systems together. In fact, I think they complement each other.

A style essence is different from a body type.

The body type is based on a person's body geometry and identifying it helps a person to know their best clothing lines and styles so that they always look their best.

An essence is less tangible. It's based on a person's embodiment and personal expression and identifying it helps a person know their inner stylistic character so that they always look like themselves, or harmonious.

Essence, by virtue of how intangible it is, is difficult to describe. Like class and grace, it's difficult to pinpoint, but you know it when you see it and it's glaringly obvious when it's missing.

A person dressed in a way that captures their essence looks wonderfully complete and they animate their look- they bring it to life. Conversely, even in lines that perfectly match their body type, a person who doesn't dress for their essence will look dull and incomplete.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

Reese Witherspoon is a verified Soft Gamine with some Gamine essence, but I believe that she has a more dominant Classic essence. So her best (and signature) style is preppy, which is 'bite-size' (i.e. Gamine) Classic. So, she looks her best when she honors that Classic essence.

Reese Witherspoon: Gamine essence

In these looks, the lines and the essence of the outfits are very Gamine. The high necklines, the bright and contrasting colors, and the fun and youthful graphics/ patterns all create that bold, fun Gamine essence.

However, I find these elements to be distracting from Reese. They are inharmonious and separate from her. These looks are too cute and playful for her.

Reese Witherspoon: Classic essence

In these outfits, Reese looks amazing and complete. She looks harmonious because she's honoring both her Gamine lines (cropped pants, high necklines, contrast, and color pops) and more importantly, her Classic essence. The looks are preppy and clean, and the styling is polished.

What Things Communicate Essence?

Essence is elusive, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what individual elements create it. In truth, it's probably a combination of all of them; the style of clothing, the color palette, the hair and makeup, and the choice of accessories.

However, some of these are more fixed than others. For example, the style of clothing is likely dictated by a person's body type and the color palette is likely dictated by their color season. So the elements that are left to play with to create or highlight the desired essence are hair, makeup, and the choice of accessories.

Packaging (tangibles)

These tangible elements are the things that anyone can manipulate to recreate a representation of a particular essence. On the right person, it will come to life and look beautifully natural. On the wrong person, even if it looks beautiful, it will look like a costume.


Hair is communicative. Whether it's tied or loose, sleek or voluminous, polished or unkempt, all of these variations create a different vibe for the person wearing them. Some styles will be more 'them' than others, meaning that some styles will capture their essence better than others.


Similarly to hair, makeup is a very communicative element of any ensemble. Whether bold or subtle, sharp or blurred, bright or subdued can create a harmonious look that highlights someone's beauty and essence or one that clashes with it.


Accessories are fun and dynamic and they allow for the ultimate expression of a person's essence because of all the options that are available. Not only do they complete a look by stylistically tying it all together, but the shapes, colors, textures, edges, and details of each piece can be used to communicate the essence of the wearer.

Embodiment (intangibles)

These intangible elements are the crux of an essence. These pieces come together to animate the packaging (as listed above) of a person's embodiment- which is really what we're judging when we talk about their essence.


One way that a person's embodiment of their essence can manifest is in how they generally move. How they pick up and put down things, how they hold them, how they walk, etc. Certain people can be described as gentle, graceful, and poised- this is a particular embodiment. Other people can be described as fun, energetic, and even strong- this is a completely different embodiment.


How a person talks can reveal a lot about them, and particular ways of speaking lend themselves to certain essences. For example, a person can be bold and direct in how they communicate- this is a powerful and perhaps even dominant essence. Or, a person can be lighthearted and almost frivolous in how they communicate- this is a soft and perhaps even flirty essence.


A demeanor is all-encompassing but it can also be clearly worn on a person's face and it's how that person is perceived by most people. This is how a person generally outwardly presents. Some people are intimidating and intense, while others are warm and welcoming. Some are mischievous and some are pure and innocent.

That Indescribable Magic

I'm purposefully putting this here so that we can all remember that an essence can't be boiled down to a formula. The truly animating part, that thing that brings a person's essence to life is not something that I can pinpoint and describe. It's the ever-elusive muse- it just is. Some people are just a certain way and other people aren't. You either have a particular essence or you don't.

If you do, then embodying that essence and allowing it to shine through will make you your most beautiful because it will make you your most natural, truest self. If you don't have a particular essence, pretending to have it and trying to embody it will make you your least beautiful because it will be a cheap imitation of someone else.

There are no good essences or bad essences, there's just what's yours and what isn't. Beauty is simply being true to yourself.

What is the Classic Essence?

Classic Style Essence | Kibbe Kitchener essences

The Classic essence is can be described as refined femininity. It leads with timeless maturity. It's elegant, polished, and traditional.

In the Kibbe world, this is the type made up of evenly blended yin and yang. Nothing stands out, there is no excessive sharpness or softness, just smooth finishes, edges, and symmetry.

It follows that the essence associated with this type builds on that idea of polished and balanced symmetry. The polished part speaks to the packaging of this essence that requires high-quality fabrics, elegant styling, and refined details. The balanced symmetry part is the blended aspect where everything is even and nothing stands out, not too sharp and not too soft.

Using the criteria set above, the Classic essence can be distilled as follows:


Classic hair is simple, refined, and polished. It has a kept or brushed look that shows care was taken on the style but in a very lowkey or understated way. The styles are timeless and elegant and the colors are natural.

Kirsten Dunst: Classic essence hair


Classic makeup is simple and elegant. It's blended so that nothing stands out but the face as a whole is tastefully elevated. Lip colors are either natural or classic (like a classic red lip for example).

The important thing with this essence is to keep the look refined by keeping the lines clean and the colors simple. Nothing too excessive, sharp, or dramatic as these styles will overpower the Classic essence woman.


Classic accessories are classy and elegant. They are traditional in style, design, and coloring. They are structured (not too floppy), moderate in size, and the edges are gently rounded (not too sharp). The details are polished and timeless.

Accessories may be fancy, particularly if the materials are of classic value such as gold, pearls, diamond, etc. However, the size should be moderate so they're not 'too much' and remain understated and elegant.


Classic movement is poised and graceful. The movements are small and calm, nothing too excitable or exaggerated. Perhaps the most important aspect of the Classic movement is ensuring it is never vulgar. It must at all times be polished and refined.

On the negative side, this may come off as calculated and robotic. It might give the impression of a lack of spontaneity or being 'stiff'.


Classic speech is formal and refined. It is proper in its delivery and always gracious. Women with this essence often inspire others to clean up their language, not because they give the impression that they can't handle anything vulgar (unlike women with the Ingénue essence), but rather because vulgar language feels beneath them.

Likewise, they also inspire a move away from any silly or frivolous conversation because of the maturity of their essence. On the negative side, this may come off as serious and uptight.


The Classic demeanor is classy and reserved. It's cool, calm, and collected. It gives nothing away, so these women are typically not easy to read beneath their poised exteriors. These women also have a quiet confidence that makes them self-assured.

On the negative side, this self-assurance might come off as self-importance which can create the impression of them being 'snobbish'. In general, if their poised exterior never reveals any emotion, they may come off as cold and unfeeling.

What Sort of Woman Does This Create?

A sophisticated woman who leads with elegance. She is effortlessly classy and stands as an example of poise and grace.

This is the realm of the First Lady and royalty. These women typically come from a long line and tradition of refinement and class which may be associated with old money. Whether they have real power or symbolic status, these women are aspirational role models.

In a more common setting, this is the embodiment of a good teacher: A calm and gracious person who acts as an example of what to be and how to carry oneself. While graceful, they take no nonsense and know how to command a room and get things done.

It may be frustrating for Classic essence women to feel like they are trapped in a 'Stepford Wives' impersonation where they have to be perfect and graceful at all times. The description of this essence may make it seem as though that's their only acceptable expression, but that's not the case.

In general, it's so refreshing when women with this embodiment break out of character from time to time to let the unpolished aspects of their personalities shine through, just as long as they remember to stay true to themselves and not try too hard to do anything that isn't authentic in an effort to connect as that will have the opposite effect.

Whatever the essence, the most important and sexiest quality in any person is authenticity, so never be afraid to be fully yourself.

Classic Essence Icons

Two examples of women who embody the Classic essence are former U.S. First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy and British actress, Emily Blunt.

Jacqueline Kennedy

Perhaps the closest thing to royalty in American History is the Kennedys. So, it's fitting that Jackie Kennedy is such a great embodiment of the Classic essence.

In these GIFs, I see her poise and reserve captured beautifully.

In the first GIF (left), we can see the embodiment of Classic speech. While I can't hear what she's saying, I can tell that the pace of it is slowed down and controlled and I'm sure the volume is relatively low and graceful.

Notice also how her arms don't move from her side. I'm sure she's doing something simple with her hands like cupping them, or some other gentle movement, but overall the movements are subtle and reserved/ restricted.

In the second GIF, she looks so very animated and even fun, but she's really not doing much. This brings to life the notion that 'less is more' which is especially true for Classic essence women. For them, subtlety is imperative and any embodiment that is too exaggerated is 'too much' and inharmonious with them.

In this case, this animation gives us a peak into Jackie Kennedy's personality which gives her character some depth beyond the graceful persona.

In the last GIF, I get a sense of the refinement and traditional luxury/wealth that is associated with this essence. Here, Mrs. Kennedy could be coming off a private plane or standing on the edge of a private yacht. Either way, she looks so at home in these settings. She belongs in wealthy surroundings and it's nothing to write home about.

Emily Blunt

In the videos I've seen of Emily Blunt, she appears to have a great personality and to be really funny. Still, she has a very naturally Classic essence that comes off in her calm nature, graceful expression, and general elegance.

In the first GIF, I see grace, elegance, and subtlety. The elegance is in her clean makeup, statement earrings, and simple hair. The subtlety is the motion and gentleness of her presence. This is a red carpet moment, yet she looks so casually comfortable in this luxurious setting.

The second GIF is almost a fun caricature of what it means to be elegant. Sipping tea with the pinky up is the classic symbol of what it means to be 'proper', at least in a British setting. I can tell it's meant to be a joke, but this stiff proper embodiment looks completely natural to her.

In the third GIF, she embodies the 'in charge' aspect of the Classic essence. This essence naturally leads as it is closely tied to the role model archetype. Here, I get that stern schoolteacher who won't take any bad behavior. Again, it feels natural and I believe her in this role/ embodiment.

Sensuality ≠ Femininity

Past the packaging, an important part of femininity is about openness, receptiveness, kindness, and a general approachability. If a little child was in trouble, the woman she might approach for help is one who outwardly embodied this kind of openness/ approachability. This is femininity.

This is great news for all of us. I think we have incorrectly come to associate femininity with a particular look because of how it's often portrayed and sold to us. I think this is why so often women shy away from the more 'masculine' body types in Kibbe and certainly from the associated essences. There is this belief that falling into one of these categories takes away your femininity, but this is simply not true.

Femininity doesn't have a body type or favorite essence.

Femininity is simply the way of being for any woman in her true power. This is true in body types- Dramatic women look their most feminine when they honor their lines and lean into their 'masculine' recommendations.

As far as essences, I want to make clear that what I discuss here is a very superficial representation of what it means to be feminine. I can talk about movements, clothing, demeanors and general ways of being that are more or less feminine as compared to others, but that is not femininity.

Femininity as I understand it transcends these classifications. It exists for all of us and it is clearly visibly embodied by incredible women who fall into every category of body type and essence as I hope to showcase.

What does the Classic Essence Look Like? Celebrity Examples

Classic essence celebrities: Kirsten Dunst, Amal Clooney, Gugu Mbatha-Raw

While each of these women has a different Kibbe body type, what they have in common is a Classic essence. Essence doesn't have a body type, so even though Kirsten Dunst is a Soft Classic, Amal Clooney is a Dramatic, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw is a Dramatic Classic, they all have a Classic essence.

They have in common that they look their best when their hair is elegantly styled, when their makeup is clean and subtle, and when their accessories are high-quality and understated. In short, they look their best when they look refined and elegant because this honors their Classic essence.

True Essence > Body Type Essence

It's important to identify your essence(s) because honoring them matters just as much if not more than honoring your body type lines. A huge mistake would be to assume that your body type dictates your essence, meaning that if you're a Natural body type, then you must have a Natural essence.

Case and point: Reese Witherspoon. Reese is a verified Soft Gamine with some Gamine essence, yet she has a dominant Classic essence.

If she just honored her lines and assumed that she had a Soft Gamine essence (and styled her hair in bright bold colors and a short, edgy haircut for example), she would look incomplete and not quite herself.

Reese Witherspoon essence: Gamine vs Classic

In the images to the left, the super short hair and sharp, choppy layering (left) lean more Gamine in essence and Reese looks cute but not fully herself or fully her best.

In the image to the right, Reese looks amazing. Here, the styling is Classic, her makeup is clean and simple, her earrings are refined and the old Hollywood curls are elegant with every hair perfectly in place.

To me, her full self is present in the last image and she looks beautiful. More importantly, she looks like the best version of herself.

So, make sure you know your essence(s) so you can style your hair, makeup, and accessories to honor them. This will bring out your best 'you'. If you don't honor them, even if you nail the body type lines, you'll look incomplete and dull.


Essence can be difficult to define because it is so intangible. I hope this post has helped decipher what the Classic essence is and how it manifests in the people who have it.

Do you have a Classic essence? Do you agree with my assessment? I'd love to hear from you.

Talk soon,


Ingénue Style Essence: What is It and Do I Have It? | Kibbe Essences | Kitchener Essences

I think of great style as a marriage between body lines, as can be determined by the Kibbe Body Types Test as well as style essence. I've done a great deal of writing on the different body types because I think it's important to get that part done first. Knowing your body type is like the sponge of the cake, it's the structure.

Now, I'm focusing on style essences, which for me is like the icing on top. These two parts can be enjoyed separately, but the real magic happens when both are present. In style, this is the person who has perfected their unique authentic style. Their clothes fit and accommodate their body perfectly (body type lines) and they communicate who they are as a person (essence).

In this post, I will be discussing the Ingénue Essence- what it is, how it can be expressed, and how to tell if you have it. First, however, I think it's important to fully understand just what a style essence is in the first place.

Note: In body types analysis, I used the Kibbe system of body typing. For essence analysis, I will be using both the Kibbe and the Kitchener systems. I am adding the Kitchener system as I think it's both more comprehensive and intuitive, and I have had no issues with using the two systems together. In fact, I think they complement each other.

A style essence is different from a body type.

The body type is based on a person's body geometry and identifying it helps a person to know their best clothing lines and styles so that they always look their best.

An essence is less tangible. It's based on a person's embodiment and personal expression and identifying it helps a person know their inner stylistic character so that they always look like themselves, or harmonious.

Essence, by virtue of how intangible it is, is difficult to describe. Like class and grace, it's difficult to pinpoint, but you know it when you see it and it's glaringly obvious when it's missing.

A person dressed in a way that captures their essence looks wonderfully complete and they animate their look- they bring it to life. Conversely, even in lines that perfectly match their body type, a person who doesn't dress for their essence will look dull and incomplete.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

Laura Harrier is unverified, but with her yang-dominant bone structure and height (5'9), she's likely a Flamboyant Natural. I think she has width and bluntness to her structure, so I don't think she's a Dramatic. Regardless of her body type, she has a clear and dominant Ingénue essence.

Ingénue Style Essence: Laura Harrier

The looks in these images fall into different body type recommendations, but what they all have in common is that they don't bring Laura to life as they don't cater to her Ingénue essence at all.

The first and last looks have Flamboyant Natural elements because of the long vertical lines (left, right) and loose-fitting, flowy silhouette (right). The first look (left) leans more Romantic because of the draping, the chest cutout, and the sexy detailing. The middle look leans Classic because of the clean lines, simple silhouette, and polished styling.

The essences she seems to channel in each look are Romantic, Classic, and Natural, respectively. The issue is that none of these is her essence and as a result, each of these looks falls flat even though she looks good. She just doesn't come alive in them.

Ingénue Style Essence: Laura Harrier

This is Laura Harrier at her best. She looks absolutely stunning here and this entire look is animated- it's alive because she brings it to life. Her Ingénue essence shines through and she looks like a beautiful princess.

The head-to-toe pink look complete with a large skirt and billow sleeves creates a 'Disney-princess' vibe that could easily swallow up a different wearer, but not Laura. She simply looks beautiful. Her youth and innocence- key traits of the Ingénue essence- shine through and she looks at home and harmonious.

What Things Communicate Essence?

Essence is elusive, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what individual elements create it. In truth, it's probably a combination of all of them; the style of clothing, the color palette, the hair and makeup, and the choice of accessories.

However, some of these are more fixed than others. For example, the style of clothing is likely dictated by a person's body type and the color palette is likely dictated by their color season. So the elements that are left to play with to create or highlight the desired essence are hair, makeup, and the choice of accessories.

Packaging (tangibles)

These tangible elements are the things that anyone can manipulate in an effort to recreate a representation of a particular essence. On the right person, it will come to life and look beautifully natural. On the wrong person, even if it looks beautiful, it will look like a costume.


Hair is communicative. Whether it's tied or loose, sleek or voluminous, polished or unkempt, all of these variations create a different vibe for the person wearing them. Some styles will be more 'them' than others, meaning that some styles will capture their essence better than others.


Similarly to hair, makeup is a very communicative element of any ensemble. Whether bold or subtle, sharp or blurred, bright or subdued can create a harmonious look that highlights someone's beauty and essence or one that clashes with it.


Accessories are fun and dynamic and they allow for the ultimate expression of a person's essence because of all the options that are available. Not only do they complete a look by stylistically tying it all together, but the shapes, colors, textures, edges, and details of each individual piece can be used to communicate the essence of the wearer.

Embodiment (intangibles)

These intangible elements are the crux of an essence. These pieces come together to animate the packaging (as listed above) of a person's embodiment- which is really what we're judging when we talk about their essence.


One way that a person's embodiment of their essence can manifest is in how they generally move. How they pick up and put down things, how they hold them, how they walk, etc. Certain people can be described as gentle, graceful, and poised- this is a particular embodiment. Other people can be described as fun, energetic, and even strong- this is a completely different embodiment.


How a person talks can reveal a lot about them, and particular ways of speaking lend themselves to certain essences. For example, a person can be bold and direct in how they communicate- this is a powerful and perhaps even dominant essence. Or, a person can be lighthearted and almost frivolous in how they communicate- this is a soft and perhaps even flirty essence.


A demeanor is all-encompassing but it can also be clearly worn on a person's face and it's how that person is perceived by most people. This is how a person generally outwardly presents. Some people are intimidating and intense, while others are warm and welcoming. Some are mischievous and some are pure and innocent.

That Indescribable Magic

I'm purposefully putting this here so that we can all remember that an essence can't be boiled down to a formula. The truly animating part, that thing that brings a person's essence to life is not something that I can pinpoint and describe. It's the ever-elusive muse- it just is. Some people are just a certain way and other people aren't. You either have a particular essence or you don't.

If you do, then embodying that essence and allowing it to shine through will make you your most beautiful because it will make you your most natural, truest self. If you don't have a particular essence, pretending to have it and trying to embody it will make you your least beautiful because it will be a cheap imitation of someone else.

There are no good essences or bad essences, there's just what's yours and what isn't. Beauty is simply being true to yourself.

What is the Ingénue Essence?

Ingénue Style Essence

The Ingénue essence can be described as the most delicate embodiment of femininity. It is sweet, youthful, and innocent.

There is no consideration for the Ingénue essence in the Kibbe world. David Kibbe seemed to feel it wasn't substantial or differentiated enough to be its own essence.

I believe the closest body type essences that could help us understand this essence in Kibbe is a combination of Gamine because of the fun and compactness of the stature and details and Romantic because of the yin-dominant styling (delicate trims, rounded shapes).

So, for this essence, we are working purely with Kitchener who describes the essence as decorative, small-scale yin. Collectively, this is made up of designs and fabrics that evoke a sense of cuteness. The elements (patterns, details) are small and delicate, the colors are soft and pastel, and the fabrics are soft and cozy.

Using the criteria set above, the Ingénue essence can be distilled as follows:


Ingénue hair is soft, natural, and ornate. It's bouncy (if this is the natural texture) and touchable and, above all, cute. What adds to this cuteness outside of the natural texture, is the styling. Styling is very important for ingenue hair.

Cuteness can be achieved by pastel coloring, girly accessories, and hairstyles (pigtails, braids, ponytails). This kind of detailing will easily look childish on someone who lacks this essence but beautiful on someone who has it, so be careful when experimenting.

Ingénue Style Essence: Hair


Ingénue makeup is soft, delicate, and youthful. Its cornerstone is elements that communicate youth like rosy cheeks (think of a child getting flushed after playing outside), a soft lip, and blurred lines. There are no sharp. harsh lines, everything gently blends together as though it were painted. Pastel colors are great for this essence as well as any playful details.

Ingénue Style Essence: Makeup | Elle Fanning, Laura Harrier


Ingénue essence accessories are small, cute, colorful, and playful. The colors and patterns are the easiest way to achieve this, think cute flowers like daisies (and not mature sensual flowers like roses which carry more of a Romantic essence) and baby's breath.

Ultimately, the vibe that this essence aims to create is whimsical and playful. If a little girl would be drawn to it, then it likely embodies an Ingénue essence.


Ingénue essence movement is soft and delicate. It's innocent and playful and whimsical. On a different essence woman, this sort of movement may appear childish, but it harmonizes with the Ingenue essence woman.

For example, I can picture Marilyn Monroe doing a cartwheel surrounded by bubbles and the image is very cute and natural in my mind, but I can't image Naomi Campbell doing the same thing with the same effect. It's not cute and natural when I picture Naomi doing it, it's rather awkward and confusing. This is because Marilyn Monroe has an Ingénue essence (as well as a Romantic essence) and Naomi Campbell has a Dramatic essence (which is intense and serious).

On the negative side, purely Ingenue essence women may struggle to embody more grown movements, particularly sexy movements. For them, trying to act sexy can come off awkward because it gives the impression of a child playing grown-up and it almost feels inappropriate. Similarly, when they wear overtly sexy clothes it has the same effect. They are actually their sexiest when they honor their youthful essence.


Ingénue essence speech is sweet and playful. It's innocent and free of any ulterior motive or hidden meaning. It's light and airy and incredibly refreshing.

These are the women that people naturally clean up their language around out of a sense of not wanting to 'corrupt them' because they come across as pure. Likewise, people may avoid heavy and troubling topics around these women because they don't want to burden them with their weight.


The Ingénue demeanor is sweet and gentle. It's shy and delicate. These women give the impression of being playful, but in a way that almost asks for permission. There is a timidness to their general vibe. This is because this essence lacks intensity, so their embodiment lacks a sense of power. This creates in other people a desire to protect these women.

On the negative side, this desire to protect Ingénue essence women may leave them in a bubble they didn't ask to be put in. They may feel talked down to or as if people are condescending toward them and don't take them seriously because they won't treat them like adults who can handle all the harsh realities of life.

What Sort of Woman Does This Create?

All of these elements combine to create a woman that is eternally youthful, soft, delicate, and playful. It creates someone who has a naturally pure and innocent vibe, that gives the impression of being delicate and precious- someone who needs to be shielded and protected from all the unpleasant things in life.

In other words, a woman who embodies this essence can be defined as the classic Princess archetype.

Ingénue Style Essence: Elle Fanning

Elle Fanning is a great example of someone who embodies this essence, in the way she shows up on the red carpet and in some of the characters she plays.

She is sweet and delicate and she naturally projects an innocent aura.

Ingénue Essence Icons

These are the women that are sweet, youthful, and innocent at any age. Some women may not like to embody the Ingénue essence because of all the 'girlish' attributes associated with it, but these celebrity examples prove just how beautifully beneficial this essence can be, particularly as we age. Their Ingénue essence is the fountain of youth and it really seems as though the women who possess it don't age.

Janet Jackson

Ingénue Style Essence: Janet Jackson

I had to google how old Janet Jackson is and when I read '56 years old' I literally Googled it again because that answer made no sense. But then I realized that that answer makes my point better than I ever could. She is a walking testament to the eternal youthfulness of the Ingénue essence.

In the collage above, I have to put effort into organizing the images in order of age, and I'm not sure that I'm correct. Her sweetness and youth are so strong that they're almost additions to her personality. It's the sparkle in her eyes, the roundness of her cheeks, the fullness of her smile, and the overall softness of all her features.

Janet Jackson embodies the Ingénue essence so fully and so beautifully. I watched both of her speeches at the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies (2019, 2022) where I got a clearer feel for her essence. Even when she speaks, her voice is so soft and sweet that even as a woman in her sixties, she leads with joy and innocence.

In all three of these GIFs, I see a sense of fun, vibrancy, and playful innocence. I see youthful energy and joy. Janet has very big smiles in two of the GIFs (first, last), and I think these smiles are so effective in communicating the Ingenue essence that is meant to be free from all worry and heaviness at all times.

These are the women who look their best when they give you a sense of this joy and without it, something is missing. For example, when they try to do an intensely sexy dead-stare that looks great on a Romantic essence or Dramatic essence woman, they look awkward and uncomfortable. But as soon as they smile and show us their joy, then they look just as sexy and it's completely effortless.

In the middle GIF, where Janet is playfully dancing but not smiling, I feel like she's seconds away from bursting into laughter and I find myself waiting to see it because I know how beautiful that will be. The Ingénue essence just wants to be happy and carefree and those of us observing it just want to witness the sweetness of that embodiment.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is a verified Theatrical Romantic but she has a strong Ingénue essence. Here, I'd like to explore what happens when she tries to lean into the kind of overt sexiness that requires a strong Romantic essence to pull off.

For me, these Gifs are a little bit awkward. I don't buy what she's selling because this simply isn't her brand of sexy. The innocence of her Ingénue essence is like a filter I can't help to watch her through and my gut reaction is to see her attempts at sexy as cute at best and slightly cringy at worst.

It's not that she can't be sexy or that she isn't sexy, it's that she can't be sexy like this. If I picture Beyoncé or Jennifer Lopez or Rihanna doing these same moves and being in these same settings, I get a completely different feeling.

In these GIFs, I get pure sex appeal. I buy what they're selling because they embody it. Each of these women embodies that grown sexual energy in a way that Selena simply does not. A lot of these moves are actually more raunchy than anything Selena did, but they inspire none of the cringy feelings that watching her did because these women have overtly sexy energy.

It's not good or bad, it's just about understanding essences and knowing which you can embody and which you cannot.

In these GIFs, I think Selena is at her best. She seems playful and fun and so incredibly cute. This is also her at her sexiest. In these playful settings and gestures, I get more of the grown woman behind the youthful persona and essence.

I'm sure it can be frustrating to feel trapped in a 'cute' overlay as a grown woman, particularly when you want to showcase your edgier, sexier side.
However, I think it's vital for Ingénue essence women to not fall prey to trying to be what 'sexy' is for other women because it doesn't work for them. When they embrace their essence, that's when they're at their sexiest.

Sensuality ≠ Femininity

Past the packaging, an important part of femininity is about openness, receptiveness, kindness, and a general approachability. If a little child was in trouble, the woman she might approach for help is one who outwardly embodied this kind of openness/ approachability. This is femininity.

This is great news for all of us. I think we have incorrectly come to associate femininity with a particular look because of how it's often portrayed and sold to us. I think this is why so often women shy away from the more 'masculine' body types in Kibbe and certainly from the associated essences. There is this belief that falling into one of these categories takes away your femininity, but this is simply not true.

Femininity doesn't have a body type or favorite essence.

Femininity is simply the way of being for any woman in her true power. This is true in body types- Dramatic women look their most feminine when they honor their lines and lean into their 'masculine' recommendations.

As far as essences, I want to make clear that what I discuss here is a very superficial representation of what it means to be feminine. I can talk about movements, clothing, demeanors and general ways of being that are more or less feminine as compared to others, but that is not femininity.

Femininity as I understand it transcends these classifications. It exists for all of us and it is clearly visibly embodied by incredible women who fall into every category of body type and essence as I hope to showcase.

What does the Ingénue Essence Look Like? Celebrity Examples

Ingénue Style Essence: celebrities| Selena Gomez, Zendaya, Janet Jackson, Elle Fanning

While each of these women has a different Kibbe body type, what they have in common is an Ingenue essence. Essence doesn't have a body type, so even though Zendaya is a Dramatic (Zendaya has other essences outside of Ingénue), Selena Gomez is a Theatrical Romantic and I'm unsure about Elle Fanning and Janet Jackson's body types, they all have the Ingénue essence.

They have in common that they look their best when their hair is softly and delicately styled, when their makeup is gentle and blended, and when their accessories are delicate and fun. In short, they look their best when they look youthful and feminine because this honors their Ingénue essence.

True Essence > Body Type Essence

It's important to identify your essence(s) because honoring them matters just as much if not more than honoring your body type lines. A huge mistake would be to assume that your body type dictates your essence, meaning that if you're a Natural body type, then you must have a Natural essence.

Case and point: Laura Harrier. As stated before, she's unverified but I believe her to be a Flamboyant Natural body type. However, she has a dominant Ingénue essence, not a Natural essence.

If she assumed that she had a Natural essence and styled herself accordingly (like her hair in Natural-looking braids for example), she would look less like herself. This is evident in the images below. The first look with the braids is her least flattering because her essence doesn't come through.

This is less about the actual style, she looks great in all of these hairstyles, it's more about the details of the styling. The first look is too plain and simple- it's Natural in essence. It lacks the whimsy and youthfulness of the Ingénue essence and she looks boring in it.

Ingénue Style Essence: Laura Harrier

The images to the right are from a cover photoshoot she did with W magazine. I think the styling team did a brilliant job of capturing her Ingénue essence through the delicate flowers surrounding her face (middle), the white billow sleeves, and the 'snow dust' detail on her hair (right).

All these things communicate a whimsical sweetness and a youthful innocence- which is the Ingénue essence and, more importantly, her essence. She comes to life in the images.

So, make sure you know your essence(s) so you can style your hair, makeup, and accessories to honor them. This will bring out your best 'you'. If you don't honor them, even if you nail the body type lines, you'll look incomplete and dull.


Essence can be difficult to define because it is so intangible in nature. I hope this post has been helpful in deciphering what the Ingenue essence is and how it manifests in people who have it.

Do you have the Ingénue essence? Do you agree with my assessment? I'd love to hear from you.

Talk soon,


Kibbe Dramatic Style Essence: What is It and Do I Have It?

I think of great style as a marriage between body lines, as can be determined by the Kibbe Body Types Test as well as style essence. I've done a great deal of writing on the different body types because I think it's important to get that part done first. Knowing your body type is like the sponge of the cake, it's the structure.

Now, I'm focusing on style essences, which for me is like the icing on top. These two parts can be enjoyed separately, but the real magic happens when both are present. In style, this is the person who has perfected their unique authentic style. Their clothes fit and accommodate their body perfectly (body type lines) and they communicate who they are as a person (essence).

In this post, I will be discussing the Dramatic Essence- what it is, how it can be expressed, and how to tell if you have it. First, however, I think it's important to fully understand just what a style essence is in the first place.

Note: In body types analysis, I used the Kibbe system of body typing. For essence analysis, I will be using both the Kibbe and the Kitchener systems. I am adding the Kitchener system as I think it's both more comprehensive and intuitive, and I have had no issues with using the two systems together. In fact, I think they complement each other.

A style essence is different from a body type.

The body type is based on a person's body geometry and identifying it helps a person to know their best clothing lines and styles so that they always look their best.

An essence is less tangible. It's based on a person's embodiment and personal expression and identifying it helps a person know their inner stylistic character so that they always look like themselves, or harmonious.

Essence, by virtue of how intangible it is, is difficult to describe. Like class and grace, it's difficult to pinpoint, but you know it when you see it and it's glaringly obvious when it's missing.

A person dressed in a way that captures their essence looks wonderfully complete and they animate their look- they bring it to life. Conversely, even in lines that perfectly match their body type, a person who doesn't dress for their essence will look dull and incomplete.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

Bella Hadid is rumored Soft Dramatic, a rumor I believe because that's what my analysis of her also found. I also think she has a strong Dramatic essence and a lesser Romantic essence.

Bella Hadid: Kibbe Soft Dramatic

While Bella has both a Dramatic and Romantic essence, one is fundamental (Dramatic) and the other is secondary (Romantic). Because she has a dominant Dramatic essence it is imperative that she dresses to honor it, otherwise she just looks off- even if she honors her lesser Romantic essence.

In the images above, Bella looks lost. The fabric is too soft and unconstructed for her strong and dominant bone structure. The dresses look flimsy on her and overall these overtly sexy dresses take away from her sexiness. Bella leads with fiercely sexy energy. That power behind her sex appeal comes from her strong Dramatic structure and essence, without which she loses herself.

In these pictures, she leans not only into Romantic lines (which don't work for her because although she has a Romantic essence, she has a Dramatic body type) but also the Romantic essence. The red lip, glamorous jewelry, and ornate hair all create a Romantic essence. In each of these, she doesn't quite look like herself and something is off.

Bella Hadid: Kibbe Soft Dramatic

In these looks, Bella looks magnificent. Here, I better see the Dramatic + Romantic composition that makes her a Soft Dramatic.

The fabrics are heavier and sharply constructed, which honors her structure. The edges are sharp which flatters her infinitely more than the dresses above where the soft fabric pools on the floor.

Her hair is sleek and sharply pulled back (first two images) and her makeup emphasizes her chiseled bone structure, all of which honor her dominant Dramatic essence. Her jewelry is luxurious and bold, and her hair is soft and curved (third image), all of which honor her less dominant Romantic essence.

By honoring her Dramatic lines and essence first, Bella ensured that these looks had the solid foundation they needed to compliment her structure and the power of her presence. Then, by adding the Romantic essence touches, she elevated the look to bring all of her life. She looks stunning.

What Things Communicate Essence?

Essence is elusive, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what individual elements create it. In truth, it's probably a combination of all of them; the style of clothing, the color palette, the hair and makeup, and the choice of accessories.

However, some of these are more fixed than others. For example, the style of clothing is likely dictated by a person's body type and the color palette is likely dictated by their color season. So the elements that are left to play with to create or highlight the desired essence are hair, makeup, and the choice of accessories.

Packaging (tangibles)

These tangible elements are the things that anyone can manipulate to recreate a representation of a particular essence. On the right person, it will come to life and look beautifully natural. On the wrong person, even if it looks beautiful, it will look like a costume.


Hair is communicative. Whether it's tied or loose, sleek or voluminous, polished or unkempt, all of these variations create a different vibe for the person wearing them. Some styles will be more 'them' than others, meaning that some styles will capture their essence better than others.


Similarly to hair, makeup is a very communicative element of any ensemble. Whether bold or subtle, sharp or blurred, bright or subdued can create a harmonious look that highlights someone's beauty and essence or one that clashes with it.


Accessories are fun and dynamic and they allow for the ultimate expression of a person's essence because of all the options that are available. Not only do they complete a look by stylistically tying it all together, but the shapes, colors, textures, edges, and details of each piece can be used to communicate the essence of the wearer.

Embodiment (intangibles)

These intangible elements are the crux of an essence. These pieces come together to animate the packaging (as listed above) of a person's embodiment- which is really what we're judging when we talk about their essence.


One way that a person's embodiment of their essence can manifest is in how they generally move. How they pick up and put down things, how they hold them, how they walk, etc. Certain people can be described as gentle, graceful, and poised- this is a particular embodiment. Other people can be described as fun, energetic, and even strong- this is a completely different embodiment.


How a person talks can reveal a lot about them, and particular ways of speaking lend themselves to certain essences. For example, a person can be bold and direct in how they communicate- this is a powerful and perhaps even dominant essence. Or, a person can be lighthearted and almost frivolous in how they communicate- this is a soft and perhaps even flirty essence.


A demeanor is all-encompassing but it can also be clearly worn on a person's face and it's how that person is perceived by most people. This is how a person generally outwardly presents. Some people are intimidating and intense, while others are warm and welcoming. Some are mischievous and some are pure and innocent.

That Indescribable Magic

I'm purposefully putting this here so that we can all remember that an essence can't be boiled down to a formula. The truly animating part, that thing that brings a person's essence to life is not something that I can pinpoint and describe. It's the ever-elusive muse- it just is. Some people are just a certain way and other people aren't. You either have a particular essence or you don't.

If you do, then embodying that essence and allowing it to shine through will make you your most beautiful because it will make you your most natural, truest self. If you don't have a particular essence, pretending to have it and trying to embody it will make you your least beautiful because it will be a cheap imitation of someone else.

There are no good essences or bad essences, there's just what's yours and what isn't. Beauty is simply being true to yourself.

What is the Dramatic Essence?

Kibbe Dramatic Essence

The Dramatic essence can be described as the most powerful representation of feminine energy. This kind of sensuality may come off as intense, intimidating, and domineering.

In the Kibbe world, this is the type made up of pure yang and manifests as long, narrow lines. There is no softness to the structure, everything is taut and angular. The bone structure is long, narrow, and sharp and the flesh that sits atop it is taut and sinewy.

It follows that the essence associated with this type builds on that idea of narrow sharpness. The Dramatic essence leads with power and precision. Power captures that part of it that is intense, dominant, and bold. Precision captures the packaging of this essence, everything that touches and frames them has to be sleek, sculpted, and elongated.

Using the criteria set above, the Dramatic essence can be distilled as follows:


Dramatic hair is full of, well, drama. It can be edgy and sharp with asymmetric edges, or it can be pulled back and sleek, it can be super long or buzz cut short- really anything that is bold and that creates a sense of structure.

Elongation is fundamental to the Dramatic body type, so a person with both a Dramatic body type and essence (like Tilda Swinton who also has an Angelic essence) can pull off a high-volume and shaved sides look that adds elongation and edge (Dramatic) and weightlessness (Angelic) to her look, making it harmonious.

Someone like Zoe Kravitz who doesn't have the Dramatic body type (she is a Flamboyant Gamine) could not pull off that kind of volume because she lacks the elongation.

However, she does have a strong Dramatic essence as well as a Gamine essence, so notice how amazing the sharp bangs and pulled-back hair look on her. The chiseled look is harmonious with her sharp, chiseled bone structure and she looks great.

Dramatic Essence hair



Dramatic makeup is bold and precise. The eyeliner is sharp and crisp and so is the lip liner. Everything has to stay within its lines, creating a sharp contrast between the features. Again, the key thing to go for here is power, which can be achieved through a power eye or a power lip, or both.

For most people with a Dramatic essence, the cheekbones tend to be a prominent facial focal point. So, the best makeup accentuates this by effectively highlighting and contouring the chiseled cheekbones and the hollow spaces beneath them.


Dramatic accessories are big, bold, and structurally sound. The boldness may be achieved by patterns (think of high-contrast black and white stripes) and textures (think metallic).

Structure is very important for this essence, as it communicates power. Think of a bag, here the fabric and construction will determine the structure. So, the fabric should be stiff and the bag should hold its shape on its own (no hobo bags, for example). All the edges should be sharp and crisp.


Women who embody this essence have a strong sense of power and dominance to them. So, their movements mirror this. Their movements are big- they take up a lot of space, and powerful- there is a lot of force behind them. These women and thus their movements are not dainty and delicate. They move with power and in a way that isn't afraid to break things.

This is not to say that they physically articulate in what we may consider a masculine way, rather, it's to say that the power of their movement makes it more deliberate and hypnotic, which is still feminine- think of a large, sexy feline. You can see this demonstrated in the next section where I discuss Dramatic Essence icons.


Dramatic speech is direct. It doesn't mince any words and it's not afraid of anything. It's not afraid of offending, it's not afraid of standing out. This makes sense when you consider that it comes from a strong voice that knows its power. These women speak with authority and they very naturally tend to be the leaders within groups of people.

Dramatic speech doesn't lend itself to small talk. These women say what they mean and mean what they say- they aren't the ones to fill a conversation with pleasantries. For them, words should be used purposefully. As such, there is a natural weight and authority to what they say.


The Dramatic demeanor is intense. It's powerful and often perceived as intimidating. These girls naturally 'serve face', that's why they make incredible models. The popularized term 'resting bitch face' refers to women whose neutral 'resting face' is not smiley and doesn't project warmth- which can describe the Dramatic demeanor. So, they may come off as cold or 'ice queens'.

On the negative side, the Dramatic essence can very easily be misunderstood as 'mean girl' energy. Because people are naturally intimated by this essence, it's easy to create a boogieman of the people who lead with it. This has nothing to do with their personality, it's just the vibe they project.

What Sort of Woman Does This Create?

These are the type of women who dominate any room they walk into. They are deeply magnetic but in a powerful and almost intimidating way. Their sexiness is not girly or flirty, it's much more intense.

These are the women that men and women are afraid to approach- there is something innately intimidating about them and it's their embodied power. When she is correctly wrapped in structured and bold packaging, it becomes clear that this is a woman who is meant to be in power.

Dramatic Essence Icons

The high-fashion runway is a great example of the outward representation of the Dramatic essence woman. The supermodels who stand out and are memorable decades after their prime are often the ones who embody this Dramatic essence. They walk with power and they seduce you with their intensity.

Two modern examples of women who embody the Dramatic essence are iconic 90s model, Naomi Campbell, and a darling of the 2010s, Karlie Kloss.

Naomi Campbell

It's difficult to think of a model who dominated the industry more during her prime than Naomi Campbell. Supermodel is correct. That walk is iconic and her entire attitude is the epitome of the seductive intensity of the Dramatic essence.

When I think of power and dominance on the runway, I think of Naomi Campbell. Her general attitude on the runway seemed to be, 'I own this and nobody else exists while I'm here'. And she was right.

The key component of that attitude is confidence- she knows she's all that and a bag of chips. It's clear in the way she moves; how she looks at the camera, how she poses, and of course, how she walks. She is strong and powerful and magnetic. Everything she does pulls your attention toward her and seduces you.

In all three of these GIFs, I am deeply aware of Naomi's physicality. She is a physically powerful and striking woman- she is a verified Flamboyant Natural type (height + width + athletic build) but her essence is all Dramatic. For me, this physical power marries perfectly with the power of her essence- it makes her lethal.

It gives her that 'cooler than you' vibe that she has always had. When Naomi walks, I want to see her be better than everyone. She was made for it. She was made to slay the competition. This is part of the Dramatic essence, it doesn't share the spotlight- it owns it. It boldly stands out and dominates the atmosphere. It is intensely powerful.

Karlie Kloss

By the time Karlie Kloss came into her prime, the era of the supermodel had passed. However, she had the kind of presence and power that marked the supermodels who came before her. Her 'panther walk' is mesmerizing and in every way captures the sleek, sexy power of a panther. I can't think of a better way to describe the Dramatic essence.

In these GIFs, we're able to study Karlie's movement. I see sharpness, angularity, and intensity.

In the first GIF especially, we see how there is no delicacy in her movements. They are clear and precise. I get that sense that she knows what she wants to see happen, she's in control of the situation, and she's directing the show. Even in this random short video (she's literally smelling her armpit), I get her essence. I clearly get the idea that she's no delicate flower and that there's power behind that face.

The second and third GIFs both communicate the same thing to me- intense sensuality. She is definitely sexy, it's unmissable, but the sexiness is incredibly fierce. You may even argue that the power precedes the sexy. This would make sense because the intensity and power of the Dramatic essence are its driving force. Their sex appeal derives from this intensity.

Karlie Kloss was made to walk down a runway. If you've never seen her do it, I recommend a quick YouTube search. However, I do not recommend her Victoria's Secret compilations. This is not an ethical stance (although it very well could be), I just feel strongly that those are not her best. Karlie is a high-fashion model. That is where she and her essence truly shine.

Victoria's Secret is a highly feminine lingerie line. All that frilly lace and chiffon and girly sets are the direct opposite of her best Dramatic recommendations. She's not overtly sexy in a feminine way like women who embody a Romantic essence are. For this reason, I've always found her Victoria's Secret walks to be rather awkward because of how that Romantic setting juxtaposes against her and her essence.

Karlie is more (as I've been droning on about) intensely sexy. She commands the runway and projects such power into every step. Her high-fashion work lends itself better to showcasing her at her best. And at her best, you can't take your eyes off her.

Sensuality ≠ Femininity

Past the packaging, an important part of femininity is about openness, receptiveness, kindness, and a general approachability. If a little child was in trouble, the woman she might approach for help is one who outwardly embodied this kind of openness/ approachability. This is femininity.

This is great news for all of us. I think we have incorrectly come to associate femininity with a particular look because of how it's often portrayed and sold to us. I think this is why so often women shy away from the more 'masculine' body types in Kibbe and certainly from the associated essences. There is this belief that falling into one of these categories takes away your femininity, but this is simply not true.

Femininity doesn't have a body type or favorite essence.

Femininity is simply the way of being for any woman in her true power. This is true in body types- Dramatic women look their most feminine when they honor their lines and lean into their 'masculine' recommendations.

As far as essences, I want to make clear that what I discuss here is a very superficial representation of what it means to be feminine. I can talk about movements, clothing, demeanors and general ways of being that are more or less feminine as compared to others, but that is not femininity.

Femininity as I understand it transcends these classifications. It exists for all of us and it is visibly embodied by incredible women who fall into every category of body type and essence as I hope to showcase.

What Does the Dramatic Essence Look Like? Celebrity Examples

Dramatic essence celebrities

While each of these women has a different Kibbe body type, what they have in common is a Dramatic essence. Essence doesn't have a body type, so even though Bella Hadid is a Soft Dramatic, Hailey Bieber is a Flamboyant Natural, and Zoe Kravitz is a Flamboyant Gamine- they all have a Dramatic essence.

They have in common that they look their best when their hair is sleek and sharply styled, when their makeup is crisp and intense, and when their accessories are structured and bold. In short, they look their best when they look sculpted because this honors their Dramatic essence.

True Essence > Body Type Essence

It's important to identify your essence(s) because honoring them matters just as much if not more than honoring your body type lines. A huge mistake would be to assume that your body type dictates your essence, meaning that if you're a Natural body type, then you must have a Natural essence.

Case and point: Hailey Bieber. I believe Hailey is a Flamboyant Natural (you can read my analysis of her here). However, she has a strong Dramatic essence. I think this is why she is often typed as a Dramatic, but Dramatic lines aren't her best (again, read the analysis).

If she assumed that she had a Natural essence and did her makeup in a Natural way ('no makeup' makeup with 'I woke up like this' beach wave hair for example), she would look less like herself.

In the first two images to the left, the loose wavy hair takes something away from Hailey and she looks a bit unkempt. When she sleeks her hair back (right), her bone structure suddenly comes to focus and she comes to life.

Hailey Bieber: Kibbe Dramatic essence

So, make sure you know your essence(s) so you can style your hair, makeup, and accessories to honor them. This will bring out your best 'you'. If you don't honor them, even if you nail the body type lines, you'll look incomplete and somewhat dull.


Essence can be difficult to define because it is so intangible. I hope this post has helped decipher what the Dramatic essence is and how it manifests in people who have it.

Do you have a Dramatic essence? Do you agree with my assessment? I'd love to hear from you.

Talk soon,


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